Shelf Wall Mounts 7mm - Length 500mm - Depth 63mm
Top-quality stainless steel, 500mm (19.7") wide wall mounts for stylish support - allowing your glass pieces to stand off the wall by 63mm (2.5") - enough room to fit a light source behind if you wish. Supplied in pairs as shown, to support glass up to 7mm thickness. With the use of a good metal saw and file the width can be reduced to fit, down to a minimum of 330mm (13").
Just hover your mouse over the images to see the detail - the glass piece shown is the size of a full sheet (890 x 510mm) of Bullseye Glass. Make sure you have enough room alongside the proposed mounting position, as the glass is installed from the side. Please note that it is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that the integrity of the mounting wall is sufficient to carry the size and weight of the glass panel to be mounted, and that Creative Glass MHS AG cannot be held responsible for any damage or breakages.
10155 0.999000